Monday, 31 October 2011

Waiting out the floods in Batu Feringgi

With a vehicle at our disposal we have been able to really explore the area and (when we aren't fighting with the kids about school work) the days here have had a pleasant rhythm consisting of school work for the kids, sight seeing and relaxing by the wonderful pool that is part of the complex we are in.  It has also been a treat to have more than one room as a living space.  

Haven't managed to escape grocery shopping for the full year and was actually glad to be stocking up our own fridge.

These didn't make the cart.  

These didn't make the cart either!

Kek Lok Si, Temple of Supreme Bliss  - another beauty

A few of the 10,000 Buddhas at the temple

At the summit!

The Giant Buddha of Kek Lok Si

We are getting used to these guys.  They can get pretty ornery so you have to be careful not to pay too much attention to them!

At Penang National Park

Joining the monkeys at the park

The kids still think the snakes at the snake temple were fake....not!

Fit in a fun run and got a taste of Malaysian running events.

The Kebun Bunga Charity Run Champs!

Orang Utan Island is a rehabilitation island for - yes, Orang Utans.  The animals have free run of the island and the human visitors are the ones to watch through the cage.    

Although the claim is that the animals have free run of the island, it seemed to us as though they were confined to a small area so as to ensure the visitors could view them..   

At the Nature (?) Park

Getting to the water park Malaysian style.

View from Penang Hill

Nearly every night we have had incredible electrical storms and sudden, thundering downpours.  The light shows have been spectacular and a few times, a little frightening.

1 comment:

  1. wow - everything seems so awe inspiring. you all look great -- miss you here..hope all stays well with the blog...rosie


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